
Thursday, 28 August 2014

Hiatus Continues

Dear Project52 fans and supporters,

My impromptu hiatus from Project52 has continued much longer than planned, this is partly due to hitting a brick wall in the features and charity actions performed by myself for Project52, a little bit of life getting in the way, and also due to on-line studies taking up a larger chunk of my time as well.

Between the last post in June/July and today I have made chocolate cornflake cakes for a Vegan Society UK fund-raiser, handed in the final total for Live Below The Line 2014 (which was over £100 in the end) studied and completed 'How to change the world' in association with Coursera and Wesleyan University, and studied 'Animal Welfare' in association with Coursera and the University of Edinburgh's veterinary school.  I was hopeful that both of these courses would aid me in my ultimate end goal for Project52 - to inspire small acts of change that cost very little to make happen but will have a large positive impact.

As I write this I am preparing to go on what I've called my '30th birthday pop-up tour' and will be away for two weeks, as well as starting more online study into sustainability, comics, fantasy and sci-fi , plants and plant-life, mobile phone games programming, writing fiction and journalism. Hopefully I've not left anything out of the list! I will also be having extensive dental surgery which is also very expensive but necessary rather than cosmetic.

With this all in mind, I am planning to shift Project52 into a new direction, to focus on charity features and awareness more than performing acts of charity (although I'll still be doing those too!) so keep on checking in loyal supporters!



PS. The Taji dolphin hunting season starts soon, so please speak out against it and join in Aug 31st TweetStorm and show the world that the hunting of Dolphins for profit is not welcome. Details in the link below: 

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